Day 1: Introduction to Human 3D Asymmetry and Respiration, Lab sessions on recognizing asymmetry, Live assessments, and a Case study.
Day 2: Explore compensatory strategies, Hands-on clinics on cervical assessment, Activities to synchronize diaphragms.
Day 3: Delve into airway and airflow principles, Hands-on clinic on Biasing PADA Splints, Techniques for cranial strain assessment, Putting it all together: sequencing complex care in a full-body approach.
1. Imbalances in Muscle Chains:
AIA's teaching on muscle imbalances goes beyond localized understanding, exploring how these imbalances affect head posture and consequently contribute to airway issues. By integrating this knowledge into healthcare practices, professionals can devise tailored treatment plans that consider the entire muscular system, promoting overall health and potentially resolving underlying airway problems.
2. Cranial Strains:
Cranial strains are an integral part of AIA's comprehensive perspective. They explore the relationship between cranial strains and airway function, recognizing the potential for treatment strategies that extend beyond traditional methods. This expanded understanding fosters a more holistic approach to patient care, allowing for innovative interventions that address the root cause of airway dysfunction.
3. Occlusal Forces:
AIA's teachings on occlusal forces delve into their role in airway health and the broader implications for dental and orthodontic interventions. By understanding how occlusal forces impact the entire system, professionals can develop treatment strategies that not only address dental issues but also enhance airway health. This approach aligns with AIA's vision of interconnected healthcare, where dental practice is woven into overall wellbeing.
4. Gait Patterns:
Investigating the relationship between gait patterns and body alignment represents AIA's dedication to holistic healthcare. By understanding how gait patterns impact body alignment and, consequently, airway function, professionals are better equipped to identify underlying issues that may contribute to complex airway cases. This knowledge enables a broader view of patient health, promoting interventions that address the whole body rather than isolated symptoms.
5. Hip Mobility:
AIA's focus on hip mobility emphasizes the role it plays in maintaining proper body alignment and its subsequent influence on airway issues. By recognizing the connection between hip mobility and airway function, AIA's teachings guide professionals to assess and treat these areas in tandem, reflecting their commitment to a comprehensive and interconnected approach to healthcare.
Body and the Bite COURSE SCHEDULE
DAY 1 ~ AM Session | 8am - 12pm
Why are you here?
Body influence on bite and vice versa
Introduction to Respiratory Neurodontics
The science of Human 3-Dimensional Asymmetry and Respiration
DAY 1 ~ PM Session | 1pm - 5pm
What do you see?
Lab: recognize asymmetry (photos, CBCT, live persons); go over records (what photos to take and how to take them
Live assessments - paired up
Case study involving dentistry and body evaluation
DAY 2 ~ AM Session | 8am - 12pm
Development of compensatory strategies and patterns; what is grounding?
Spectrum of Lateralized Patterns Introduction to Body Pattern Screening Objective Tests for dentists - rationale for cervical and thoracic assessments
DAY 2 ~ PM Session | 1am - 5pm
Hands on clinic: cervical assessment (mid cervical axial rotation and lateral flexion, lordosis, occlusal grounding performance)
Lecture: cranial strains and the mandibular diaphragm
Activities to synchronize the mandibular diaphragm with the thoracic and pelvic diaphragms
DAY 3 ~ AM Session | 8am - 12pm
Airway and airflow in systemic respiration
Principles of splint designs; the rationale for relining a splint (creating rotational fit, head and neck neutralizer, grounding in lateralization); when and why deprogrammers don’t work
Pattern Altering Dental Appliances (PADA)
1) How is a PADA Splint
used to alter body
2) How are PADA ALFs used
for cranial strain release
and airway development
Hands on clinic:
1) Biasing PADA Splints to
balance the body
2) Osteopathic assessments
for PADA ALF prescription
a) Maxillary Extraversion
b) Nasopalentine Strain
DAY 3 ~ PM Session | 1am - 5pm
Putting it all together:
1) How do these assessment
tools help you to treatment plan appropriately in a
dental setting
2) Recognizing multiple risk
factors throughout the
body that can complicate
your program
3) Sequencing complex care
in a full body approach
(where does airway fit in?)
4) When VISION zooms the
bite (an eye-opener)
• Conclusion: What do you see?
What will you do?